Do you have an unsightly bulge of fat that pops out of the side of your bra near your armpit? Many women of all ages and sizes can experience this embarrassing condition. Treatment using an FDA-approved Kybella® injection for bra fat can help you achieve smoother skin to boost your self-confidence with your appearance. Here is everything you need to know about this body treatment to determine if it may be right for you.
How a Kybella Injection for Bra Fat Works
A Kybella injection for bra fat works by using synthetic deoxycholic acid to break down fat for absorption. Multiple treatments may be needed, and you can return to normal activities after the procedure. Treated fat is eliminated from the body, so it cannot store it for future use, creating long-lasting results. You may experience minor swelling, bruising, redness or itching at the injection site that will fade over time. Results may be noticeable within six weeks and last for years.
Ideal Kybella Injection for Bra Fat Candidates
Even with a healthy diet and exercise, bulges near the bra area may not disappear. Ideal candidates for Kybella injections for bra fat reduction are healthy individuals with small amounts of excess fat near the bra line. You may not be eligible for treatment if you are pregnant or nursing, but other options may be available. A consultation with a board-certified specialist can help you determine if this minimally invasive procedure is right for you. Make sure to tell the surgeon about any medications or supplements you are currently taking at your appointment.
Los Angeles Kybella Injection for Bra Fat Consultation
If you are self-conscious about unsightly bulges, a Kybella injection for bra fat reduction can be a safe and effective treatment option. RIVKIN Aesthetics specializes in a comprehensive range of nonsurgical cosmetic procedures for individuals in the Santa Monica and Los Angeles areas of California. As a Yale-trained aesthetic expert, Dr. Rivkin can provide personalized consultation and examination to recommend the best treatment plan for your aesthetic goals. Contact our office to book a consultation today.