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3 Reasons to Choose Voluma Treatments Los Angeles, CA
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As you age, you can lose facial fat pads, creating sagging skin leading to fine lines and wrinkles. Minimally invasive cosmetic treatments are available to help reverse these signs of aging. Voluma® is a hyaluronic acid filler that works to add volume and lift your cheeks. This dermal filler can last longer than other hyaluronic fillers. Here are three reasons to choose Voluma treatments to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Lift Your Cheeks

Voluma treatments can help lift your cheeks for a more youthful appearance. Once injected, the hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler attracts and retains moisture to temporarily replace lost fat and collagen. This results in a modest lift of the cheeks. The injection helps stimulate collagen growth to lift and tighten your cheeks for a few weeks after the procedure.

Erase Smile Lines

As Voluma treatments work to tighten and lift your cheeks, the appearance of smile lines and wrinkles around the mouth and nose can be substantially reduced. Injections in multiple areas of the face can improve the skin laxity that contributes to mid-face wrinkles. The amount of filler you need to achieve your desired results will depend on your age, weight, genetics and facial structure.

Achieve Safe and Long-Lasting Results

Voluma has been approved by the FDA for eight years as a safe and effective cosmetic treatment. Hyaluronic acid is produced naturally within the body. Over the course of several months, the injection biodegrades within the body with no dangerous side effects.

Many hyaluronic acid-based fillers require multiple treatments lasting six months or less. The results of Voluma treatments can last up to two years. This can help you save time and money on cosmetic treatments. The minimally invasive procedure takes less than an hour with no downtime. You can continue normal activities as soon as your session is over.

Are Voluma Treatments Right for You?

If you are self-conscious about your appearance, Voluma treatments can be an ideal solution for you. To discover if Voluma treatments are right for you, you need to schedule a consultation with an aesthetic expert. You can meet with Dr. Rivkin at RIVKIN Aesthetics to discuss the procedure and determine if you are an ideal candidate. Request a consultation today.

Posted on behalf of RIVKIN Aesthetics

11645 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90025

Phone: (310) 443-5273


Monday - Friday I 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday I 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday I 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM